A. The study of magical plants and fungi
B. How to care for magical plants and fungi
C. How to use the magical properties of magical plants and fungi
II. Class Rules
A. Safety
1. Required Tools and Attire
a. Dragon-Hide Gloves
b. Earmuffs
2. Never touch new plants without permission
B. Homework- See link to grading rubric at the bottom of page
III. Greenhouses
A. Greenhouse 1
1. Usually where class is held
2. Plants are not very dangerous
B. Greenhouse 3
1. Class is occasionally held here
2. Contains more dangerous plants
IV. Planting
A. Dragon Dung Compost
1. Most commonly used compost
2. Mix with soil
B. Mooncalf Dung
1. Collected at full moon
2. Helps magical plants and herbs grow better
C. Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent
1. Used to repel flesh-eating slugs
2. Bought in Knockturn Alley